Power and the Executive Director –
Board Chair Relationship

Understand the Nature of Power
to Effectively Build Your Organization

What causes an Executive Director and Board Chair to clash in an organization? What might the ensuing power struggle look like? How can it be remedied? How can an organization manage this sensitive relationship during times of strain?

What are the leadership characteristics of an effective Board Chair? Which leadership qualities does this person need to have in contrast to the characteristics required of the ED? Who is the true leader of your nonprofit – the Board Chair or the ED – and how can these two people effectively share power in order for the organization to deliver maximum results? Which responsibilities lie with each person?

Does your board view the ED as a ‘social entrepreneur’ whose vision the board supports, or a ‘hired gun’ in charge of carrying out the board’s mandate? The way you answer this question will be pivotal in setting the parameters for the Board Chair-ED relationship. The Board Chair-ED dynamic will be put on the table for you to dissect and examine so you can come up with more effective strategies to balance this delicate power relationship in your organization.

Session Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to:
  • 1 Identify and discuss some of the characteristics of power in organizations and the implications for nonprofit leadership.
  • 2 Discuss how to successfully navigate the delicate power relationship between the Executive Director and the Board Chair.
  • 3 Identify and describe more effective strategies to balance this delicate power relationship.
  • 4 Distinguish between the board view of the ED as a ‘social entrepreneur’ whose vision the board supports versus a ‘hired gun’ in charge of carrying out the board’s mandate.
  • 5 Understand how power influences the relationships between the ED and board members.

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a leadership conference for your organization.